Saturday, 30 April 2022

Most Holy Communion


Oh Holy Eucharist, Most Holy Communion 

Live in us

We give thanks that in entering into the most Holy Communion with You Lord, we are embraced by You and that You help us then to reach out and embrace others, not just those we know and love, but those more challenging, more needy, less comfortable to love. We are challenged to forgive, to find Mercy in our hearts, to struggle to find the way to engage with others. For communion means just that. It is an embracing relationship that has no boundary to love.

Friday, 29 April 2022

Absolute Truth


Oh Holy Eucharist, Absolute Truth 

Live in us

We need the Absolute Truth of Your Love to ground us and keep us safe in the World. We are therefore mightily blessed that You come to us and stay with us, in the simplicity of bread and wine. As we come to feel and know You, we are exposed to the Truth that informs our conscience and leads us toward a better more congruent life of genuineness and love. The Truth inspires us to be True to Your teachings, to be humble, to be bold, to bear all suffering and to be a light for others. Untruth and incongruence become unacceptable and lead us always toward greater service, greater ability to love and to reflect on the meaning of Love, that we might honour Your Presence in us.

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Son of God

 Oh Holy Eucharist, Son of God 

Live in us

It is through Divine Revelation and the Experience of Your Living presence, that we come to know more fully  the Truth, that You are the Living Son of God. The Sacred intimate acceptance of Your Being, in the Holy Bread of Communion, touches us deeply, converts us truly, blesses us abundantly, reveals You to us. For this we give eternal thanks and praise! For Your life in us changes all…..

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Ever-living Christ

Oh Holy Eucharist, Living Christ 

Live in us

Christ says ‘I am.’ This is the ever living one. This is how He can be present to us in the Eucharist. He is the ‘was’, ‘now’ and ‘ever shall be’ of the Glory Be. He is the ever living God who is with us and in us and evermore shall be, for that is His promise and that is His Truth: life evermore. Amen

Monday, 25 April 2022

Bread of Heaven


Oh Holy Eucharist, Bread of Heaven 

Live in us

Jesus Christ is the Eucharist. What an incredible gift to us! His living presence is within and without. The immensity of this knowledge is vast and awesome! When we receive Communion, we actually receive Him into our being in an incredible, sacred and mystical way. Take a moment to think about this. No, take a lifetime! It is incredible. He is the Holy bread of Heaven, the spiritual blessing sustaining us, igniting us, enlivening us, restoring us, healing us, guiding us, living in us and connecting us to Heaven. There are no words big enough to contain this understanding!

Sunday, 24 April 2022

A poem

Today I would like to focus on praying for anyone who is struggling with communication issues, 

dementia, cognitively impaired, too ill to speak and those who are dying and unable to express themselves.

May we all find ourselves respected, seen, heard, understood and feel treated equally to all others.

My own cognitive dysfunction is severe and I wrote this poem to try and articulate it.

May we all be blessed. Amen

So what can I offer you

From my different perspective of the world?

From a place of frequent paralysis and empty-mindedness.

I can share my inner knowledge of being.

My world, so empty of business, 

becomes a place of waiting, seeking inner peace and understanding.

The things I know are hard won amidst the decades of intense suffering.

The emptiness of action, is replaced by the stillness of pure being.

Even when I cannot communicate,

Yet still I am:

A person, aware on the inside, unable to express who I am.

I need you trust that I am still there.

I am still me.

I am still thinking even if in a different way.

I still need you to know me, not to patronise or deny me.

Do not count inexpression as both an internal and  an external loss.

Do not retreat into child-like conversation as if I cannot understand.

Maybe I cannot fully follow every word, but maybe I can.

Trust and hope in that.

Believe still in my equality and respect me.

Be still with me.

Don’t busy yourself past me for want of an ability to find or understand me.

Believe and know that I am still here on the inside,

Longing to be seen, recognised, validated, attended to, cared for.

For I am peace among the ruins

And long to be seen for who I still am.

Light of Man


Oh Holy Eucharist, the Light of man 

Live in us

Jesus Christ is the Light of Life and that light is the life of man. He is our life, shining in us in a radiant, indescribably beautiful way. His essence is with us and in us and that essence is Light! This truth is revealed to us in John 1, where he says so beautifully and simply, that in Him was life and that life was the Light of man. This is such  a profound statement of Truth, the knowing of which should fill us with incredible reverence, awe and joy: His life is the Light of man, He is our light. He is our life and this is experienced and fulfilled in the incredible gift of the Living Eucharist which we are blessed to receive, so that He truly lives within us and that we can be fully alive in Him! Praise God indeed.

Saturday, 23 April 2022

Threads: a poem of connection


People of the world look 

but see us not,


but hear us not,


but miss the point.

Instead we turn to each other

And weave faint threads of connection,

Through the most painful

And difficult of


The threads go out

And gently weave

A pattern on our hearts.

They tell of 




They tell of 




Forged in a fire of pain,

Built out of total isolation,

Strengthened by personal injustice,

Given out to the very last drop.

The years go by,

The suffering never diminishes.

It builds

Like the solid brick wall

Of a vast ancient house,

Incarcerating you,

Separating you,

Tormenting you,

Banishing you.

Only the threads remain

To bless,

To heal,

To help,

To save

Each other,

For who else can 

or will 

do it?

Light of Life

 Oh Holy Eucharist, Light of life

Live in us

Jesus himself tells us that He is the Light of Life ( John 8:12) and that as long as we have Him we will not be walking in darkness. This is a powerful, exquisite, perfect light, a light that cannot be extinguished; a light that radiates most powerfully from the Eucharist itself, bringing all goodness, all hope, all truth, all mercy to each and every one of us. Shining for us, shining within us, radiating from us as we enter into the Holy mystery of the Eucharist.

Thursday, 21 April 2022

Contemplation of the Most Holy Eucharist


Contemplation on the Holy Eucharist

Oh Holy Eucharist Divine 

Live in us

The Holy Eucharist is, incredibly, Christ himself, come to be with us, in a mysterious and indescribably Sacred way. Approaching the Eucharist, you can feel the holiness of His presence. You can know with certainty that He is with you and come to be with you in a most Holy and intimate way, for it is His most precious gift and promise to us. 

A most pure and unique bond of love that unites us, not only with God in heaven, but also with each other, in a most powerful relationship of pure love. For this, we will eternally raise our heart’s in gratitude beyond words. Amen

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Litany of the Eucharist

What a perfect time to reflect more deeply on the Body of Christ, following on from the joy of Easter Day.

We now contemplate in more depth, the  Litany of the Eucharist, as a prelude to Pentecost.

We can pray this Litany in order to feel more fully the wonder of God with us in the Eucharist. For Christ is truly present and has come to live in us. We have opened up our hearts, our minds, our bodies to be a temple for His love.We can use this prayer to help us connect more consciously with Him as a part of our own conscious path of Holy Way, with Him. Living the Holy Way is a choice. Returning and returning to ‘God with us’, is the way to be safe and to be saved.

Oh Holy Eucharist Divine 

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist, Light of life

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist, Light of man 

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist, Bread of Heaven 

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist, Living Christ 

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist, Absolute Truth 

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist, Most Holy Communion 

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist, Infinite Mercy 

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist, Truly Beloved 

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist, Light of the World 

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist, Grace from on High 

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist, Son of Man

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist, Hope of all the Earth 

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist, Prince of Peace 

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist, The Word Incarnate

Live in us

Oh, Holy Eucharist, Lamb of God

Live in us

Oh Holy Eucharist may we receive you in humility

Oh Holy Eucharist may we carry you in our hearts

Oh Holy Eucharist may we be filled with your light

Oh Holy Eucharist may we serve as you serve

Oh Holy Eucharist may we live with you in oneness and wonder all the days of our lives

Oh Holy Eucharist teach us your Truth

Oh Holy Eucharist lead us to Heaven

Oh Holy Eucharist live in us now and forever 


Monday, 18 April 2022

The Eucharist

The Eucharist is the Christ, purely and simply, His presence with us. It is a mystery of faith, yet the truth can be felt in the presence experienced, when receiving this most holy and precious communion. It is beauty, grace, awesome, tender, vast, blessed, pure, radiant spirit filled essence of love, touching your whole being and lifting you forever into the oneness of the mighty Trinity, so that there is no separation possible between yourself and God, for you are infinitely and intimately bound by love.

Even if you only receive the Eucharist once, this truth cannot be undone, for nothing can separate us from the Love of God, humbly given, in the simplicity and divine mystery of the Eucharist: God utterly with us for evermore.

Not every one has the blessing of receiving this gift. Yet, if you have received this blessing, the strength, the love, the tenderness, the mercy and the power are with you always and freely accessible should you seek it.

Sunday, 17 April 2022

The Body of Christ: a poem


The Body of Christ

The Body of Christ

Holds every name

Represents Eternity

Before out very eyes

If you could dissect it


Hidden away

In a tiny molecule

Or perhaps an ephemeral electron

You would see yourself

And feel with absolute certainty

That He had touched you

He had held you

He had loved you

Just as you are

Right now

And you would know

That this

Is True

New video Easter Poem


We are delighted to share an Easter Poem by Greg recited in our garden.

Wishing you all a blessed Easter.


Saturday, 16 April 2022

Holy Saturday

Here Greg shares the hope of Easter Saturday and brings new awareness and understanding of the Heart of Love.

Friday, 15 April 2022

New prayer booklet for those who are grieving: A Path Forward with God


We have just published the third booklet in our Bereavement series of booklets.

This one is called A Path Forward With God.

If you are recently bereaved we hope it brings solace.

The Bleakest Place


I wrote this poem about the bleakest moment of my life when I felt I would surely die from the extremity of head oain I was experiencing. God and prayer saved me.

The Bleakest Place is the Cross, yet it is also the point of Hope and Mercy; 

Hope for living
Hope of dying
Hope of Life in Christ.

Mercy in living
Mercy in dying
Mercy from Christ Himself.

Here, suffering is intense, immense, unimaginable, horrific, unbearable, tortuous.

Life feels beyond possible when you meet this place. Pain, so exquisite in intensity that it is unbelievable that you can be alive to bear it.

And so I hang in the Bleakest Place
In the darkness of unutterable agony
In indescribable torment
For it to pass
Praying for it to end
Not knowing if this is death
Coming upon me.
I lie in absolute awareness
Of myself
Pure being
In a body
So agonised
It feels like the end.
And yet
The end does not come.
I repeat
I trust in you Lord
I trust in you.
I call out to God
Am I dying?
He says in a small still voice
It is not your time 
And so I cling on
To a purity
Of essence
Large and vast
In the centre
Of fear.
The pain is so loud
It drowns out
All other thought.
I am racked by the pain.
It burns me
Yet somehow
Through the centre
I am held
By God
By Love
By Hope
By Truth
By Mercy.
My time is not yet come.
I still have a purpose
And life
And Peace
And I arise
Like the Phoenix
And glorious
In splendour
Of knowing
The Light of God
Within me.
The voice of God
Has spoken.
I have more 
To give
In service.
This gift is precious
And unquantifiable
I still live
I am washed clean
By a baptism of pain
Beyond description
Only peace remains.

I know the cross.
It is true.
I lie with Christ
Upon the cross
And I am consumed
By pain
And agony beyond 
Yet somehow
I am touched
By God Himself
And find
The cross
All that
Is good.
And life 
Is utterly
Pure being
Pure presence.
In it’s
And only
Who I am

Power that flows


Excerpt from Living in the Heart of Love:

WHAT IS THE POWER which flows from the Cross? Why, it is surely and paradoxically peace. When all is agony within and without you, you must look to a deeper connection with yourself and God.

You seek that which is truly not of the world and which Jesus Himself promised to give. Peace comes flowing in beyond expectation, hope and imagination. It fills the spaces within and around you or simply floats with you, watching, waiting, gently hovering like a bird.

The Spirit brings peace and the Spirit could only be released into the world to touch each one of us through the pain and seeming destruction of the Cross. This is the paradox of love; the peace that touches and lives with you through even the most tremendous suffering.

It does not take away the pain and yet somehow it lifts and consoles and speaks of healing, hope, comfort, a way.

It brings Mercy to the fore, for who would not tenderly, mercifully, gently love the most agonised, afflicted people, somehow giving them the strength to be in the most unimaginable torment, other than God Himself, who knows pain and torment intimately and still reaches out in a bond of communion and shared intimate knowledge, to sustain and comfort, with His Peace, most definitely beyond all understanding.

New peace prayer

  You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...