We banish all fear
and ask for the Blessings the Spirit brings,
to uplift and transform our lives,
this day and always
and keep us safe from harm.
This blog shares prayers, spiritual reflections and insights. It is immersed in the love of the Holy Trinity, which we call the Heart of Love. The Holyway is a choice to live a spiritual path, blessed by the Heart of Love.
We banish all fear
and ask for the Blessings the Spirit brings,
to uplift and transform our lives,
this day and always
and keep us safe from harm.
May the Hope and Peace of Christmas be upon you
May you be filled with His radiant Light
May gifts flow in abundance;
The gifts of Love, Truth, Beauty Blessings.
May they fill you and uplift you this day
And always.
Lord, I do not know
The way forward
Yet I trust in You.
I do not have all the answers
Yet I trust in You
I do not know exactly what I need
Yet I trust that You do.
Therefore instill confidence in me
That, together, the right way
Will be found.
Bless this day with Your Love.
Enable us to see you actively helping us,
Bringing healing and hope to all we need.
May truth fly out in abundance and reinvigorate our lives.
Guide us all through difficult times.
Help us keep strong in Faith,
May the Light and Hope of Christmas fill you,
Bringing you Peace, Comfort, Strength, in all situations.
May those without find unexpected gifts,
May those who suffer find relief,
May those who grieve find solace.
Let Truth and Beauty be your guide.
Let Wisdom permeate your life
And may every step taken into each new day
Be strengthened by knowing that God is with you
Despite any and all pain.
We are pleased to share a new song for Christmas.
It is not always an easy time for people. This year has been particularly hard for everyone with the Pandemic. So many losses and struggles can make it hard to feel the joy and blessings of Christmas easily or at all.
Not everyone can experience Christmas in the traditional sense. There is the additional worry of the new variant to consider. Suffering is not necessarily eased, poverty is enhanced, particularly at this time of year. Many people will have lost friends or relatives.
Yet still we hope that we will all be blessed in some special way that will bring comfort and healing and that a path towards a much better year ahead will open up, one full of hope and new vision. Amen
Come Holy Spirit,
May the Holy Spirit come upon you now
Heal and save you,
Restore you to full health,
Comfort, shield and protect you,
Remain with you
Inspiring you
And guiding you
In my desperation, come to my aid, oh Lord
And calm me, like you calmed the waves.
Heal me, for I am faithful,
Just like the people who you healed
When you walked upon the Earth.
Teach me how to pray,
In total confidence to the Father,
As you yourself taught us.
May we always see your face before us
Even in the bleakest moments
And be blessed by your radiant light.
May we turn to you always
And find help.
When pain is indescribable Lord,
Hold me
When agony burns so deep there are no words left to describe it,
Console me
When endless pain is in every part of my being,
Be with me in power
Hold my hand and Help me Lord.
Give me the strength I need to bear the unbearable.
Give me hope that it will truly diminish.
Give me trust in your power, to banish it.
Give me faith that it will lessen.
Give me confidence that you are with me through every moment.
Give me love in my whole being, to heal me.
For all things are possible with you Lord.
Give me the peace beyond all suffering, to help me cope,
May the suffering lift and leave me now.
Lord, I ask you now to help ......
To bless them,
To comfort them,
To calm and strengthen them.
Fill them with your Peace.
Heal them now.
Lay Your Merciful tender hands upon them now.
Take away all illness,
Ease all the pain,
Console them now.
I ask in confidence.
I ask in trust.
I ask with faith and hope.
I ask in the Power of the name of Jesus,
Knowing You will hear and answer
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