Approaching death and dying is a sad and painful experience. Yet one that can be supported with great compassion, awareness and prayer
We offer this new prayer booklet tenderly and with love.
This blog shares prayers, spiritual reflections and insights. It is immersed in the love of the Holy Trinity, which we call the Heart of Love. The Holyway is a choice to live a spiritual path, blessed by the Heart of Love.
We offer this new prayer booklet tenderly and with love.
To start blessing, take a look around and bless what you see, immediately in front of you.
If you are outside, bless what you see
If you are inside, bless the room, bless any animal or person in the room with you.
Think about the people who have lived there before you or visited or passed through or passed by in car or plane or on bicycle or foot. Bless each one.
Bless not only the room but the house and its foundations, its roof, its floors, bless the builders who built it, bless all the energy around you; the air, the sky, the fields, the other houses, then expand your awareness outwards and bless the neighbours, the people who pass by.
Bless the people in need, the wounded, the hurting, the injured, the sick, the angry, the affronted, the lost, the ignorant.
Bless all people whose lives have been stolen from them, through illness, through relationship difficulties, through poverty.
Bless the perpetrators of harm, not because they deserve it, but because they need it. Bless your enemies, bless the wrong as well as the good, so that all can be lifted into the Heart of Love, the Mighty Trinity and feel the Love, the Light, the Mercy therein, touch them, change their energy, lift them, restore right balance.
Bless the gardens, the earth, nature, the creatures that live in your space, the birds that come to your garden or fly over your home, expanding your view, till it incorporates your village or town, your county, your country, the whole world.
Bless the moon, the planets and the stars. Bless time and space itself.
May all things be blessed and as you bless others so the blessing comes back and touches you too.
There is no set way of blessing. Bless who or what comes to mind. Feel the blessing flowing through you. Be lifted into the Heart of Love as you bless others. Find your own renewal in blessing others and find a greater appreciation of the connectedness of all.
Let all that is woken be comforted
Let all that is wounded and broken find peace
Let all the hurting memories be healed
Or held at least and blessed in solitude
May they return to where they belong now
Leaving new awareness
Of ground gained
Life changed
Hope stirred
Love present
Past returned to its place
And put to rest now.
Peace to all
And light to the future
Wrapped in tenderness
Immersed in mercy.
When pain is indescribable Lord,
Hold me
When agony burns so deep there are no words left to describe it,
Console me
When endless pain is in every part of my being,
Be with me in power
Hold my hand and Help me Lord.
Give me the strength I need to bear the unbearable.
Give me hope that it will truly diminish.
Give me trust in your power, to banish it.
Give me faith that it will lessen.
Give me confidence that you are with me through every moment.
Give me love in my whole being, to heal me.
For all things are possible with you Lord.
Give me the peace beyond all suffering, to help me cope,
May the suffering lift and leave me now.
Lord, we call to You,
When all seems lost,
Remembering that You
Are close by
And Will save us
From Despair.
How awesome is the power of prayer. Not just words spoken to an empty room but the felt Spirit of God flowing in you, alive, present, light filled, here. You cannot fail to trust and know that your prayers have been heard and answered for they are spoken both within and without, to God himself. There is no doubt in their validity. There is no question that God has not understood or listened, for He is totally with us and in us and all around us and all our prayers are held in that knowing. Amen.
You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...