Saturday, 26 June 2021

Time Passes


Time passes by

Yet here we still sit

On the bench

Watching flowers

Come and go.

Hot and cold.

Sun and shade.

Spring and Winter

Rain and snow.

All go by

And busy people

To and fro

Whilst others die

But we just sit

And watch and pray

Through every moment,

Every day.

This  has become the simplicity and 

continuity of our life. We live of necessity in a 

slow paced way out of the flow of busy normality. 

When everything is taken away from you, you find 

you create your own way of being. Ours is a slow, 

quiet, way, focussed when possible on beauty, 

communion with each other and nature. From this 

position we notice the smallest things, they give us 

joy; the nestling of a ladybird in a seed head 

seeking shelter for winter, the beauty of a flower 

caught against the sunlight, the awesome sweep of 

a birds-wing as it glides majestically above us.  

People come and go, they live their busy lives, 

they die, yet our world carries on in simplicity and 

separation, feeling slightly outside normal time and 

space which has forged ahead without us 

seemingly in it.

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