Monday, 5 April 2021

An Excerpt from living in the Heart of Love: Light of Life


Light of life

WHEN WE TALK OF Light, what do we mean? Why, we mean the inner light, the light of life that is Christ the light, the Son of the living God with us, whose spiritual energy radiates the purest light into the world and brings us to life. It is an inner light that is spiritual in nature yet also energy which resides in us. It conveys the very presence of God with us to the whole world. It can be seen innerly with spiritual practice, using the gifts of the Spirit. For those who shine Christ’s Light, it can be perceived, seen, felt, experienced.

It brings wholeness, joy, blessings, to all who are touched by it. It is often conveyed as the aura of light around the heads of saintly people and Christ Himself in works of art. Yet this Light is real for those to see who will. It is a true light that shines.

You can see the light burning in people’s eyes, when they are lifted up and on fire with the passion and direction of the Spirit. You can feel the Light touching you, shining you from the inside out. You can feel its blessing of joy, peace, hope, life.

Once touched, you feel lighter in your heart, your burdens are somehow lighter or removed altogether, your vision is clearer, light burns within you too as you are lifted up by the presence and Light of Christ.

As you feel this Light living in you, so you are drawn to prayer and praise, to authentic life in Christ. You enter more fully into communion with God and your light shines brighter in the

 world. New things are possible. New pathways open up. Hope is lit in your heart. You become alive too with the light of life which burns brighter in you and cannot be extinguished.

God brings us light through unexpected ways, light can come to us. God is always communicating with us if only we open our inner eyes to see and open up our hearts to feel and allow it in. God sends us messengers of light. He is ever present and radiant in all of creation

So seek the Light and let it shine its healing within you, radiating out to touch the hearts and minds of others too. Amen

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