Saturday, 20 March 2021

Praying for a miracle

In lifting others up to the Love of God, all things feel possible - all love is given back. Prayer then is two-way; we too are blessed by our compassion and love for others. We too are held in His Grace, in that connection with Divine Love. In praying, we are touched by His Love. In holding others in His Love, we too are held. 

There is such love then and intimacy in prayer, which  is pure relationship with God. No wonder we are asked to ‘pray without ceasing’. For this is where miracles happen and joy is complete.

And so we ask for miracles, no matter how bleak things seem, in faith that we shall receive them in abundance.

We pray for healing

We ask in hope

We beg for a miracle,

Knowing You provide.

We trust You will hear and answer




Lord, we ask for miracles,

Knowing miracles will be sent.

Lord, we ask for Your healing Power 

To come upon us mightily,

Trusting it is so!


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