Wednesday, 24 March 2021


 Although we trust and know that God  is with us, still we sometimes struggle to feel Him here. The physical pain gets in the way of feeling His Presence, the stresses of the day can be overwhelming and seem huge. Our urgent need for action feels ignored. Often we are left feeling that we are continually waiting with little real change in our situation. 

These are the times to look with inner spiritual eyes at our situation. Now is the time to look up to see His radiant shining face before you, loving you, caring, tending over you, being with you, weeping with you, but always tenderly with you. 

It is at these times that it can help to reflect on the small things, not necessarily the big things, to see change and goodness in your life or feel it in action. Looking back we may then see real progress, even if it is only in small ways or seemingly insignificant ways to others, yet still it can make a big difference to us. 

It is time to remember hope, to listen for the Word of God, to look for beauty, anything that reconnects you with truth and goodness. This then can bless your struggling moments and remind you that He is here and every moment of  your life, is precious, just take a moment to remember that. Put down the burdens that you carry and give them to Him, so that you can see a clearer way through, you find you can cope with the uncopable, you can find light within you and without. Amen

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