Sunday, 21 March 2021



It is good to praise God, especially when things are tough. Praise lifts us up into good energy; into brighter energy that can bless and transform, where a new vision is possible, where Hope endures.

By focusing on God, rather than fear or difficulty, we are uplifted by His Radiance, which can bless us and help us stand firm, no matter what the circumstances, for we remember then that He is with us and He will give us strength.

Praising God shifts our focus away from fear and despair to Hope and Love. When we put our trust in material things we will never be totally certain of them, the physical world is transient by nature, but we can always Trust in God. He will always Love us.

Knowing this we can hold onto Him with Faith and that in turn gives us Courage in all that we face. 

Praise indeed to God, for He can help us in any circumstance. Praise God's Holy and precious name, which lifts us into His Light, Truth, Hope and the Safety of knowing Him. This is why we can stand firm and have confidence in Him.

We can call upon God's Holy Name, knowing that He will hear us and answer us and help us in our struggles. How tall we can then stand, when we know God is with us? Tall indeed!

Let us always remember God's
Holy Name
and rejoice in His Loving Presence,
Let us always be confident in Him then
and sing His Praises, gladly. Amen.

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