Tuesday, 16 March 2021



It seems to me that God created birds so that we would always have a friend and joy in our lives. Down all the years of ill health, that we have had a garden, we have delighted in our close friendship with birds. They are so funny, demanding, reliant, friendly, delightful when they choose to hang out with you, sometimes waiting for food, sometimes it seems just for a chat or companionship.

Our best friends ever were two beautiful collared doves. They were always together sitting on a bench or in a tree in our garden. They would Caw and fly down for food, even come when called. On sunny days they would lie on the ground or balance on a bench and stretch their wings, radiating the most incredible grace. I was honoured enough to feel included in this circle of peace as I sat on the bench with them, I felt like an honorary dove and when we lost our beloved dog, they were our closest companions every day.

Now we have delightful robins that flit about or sing and chat to you. We have a blackbird who chases them off to get food. And in the sky on special days there is an incredible sight, a huge bird of prey, a Red Kite, flies overhead, gracefully spreading its wings, gliding on the thermals. What an awesome sight that is; we feel it is a messenger, bringing hope and reminding us that God is with us and He cares for us, especially when things feel hopeless. He gave us these beautiful birds.

All we have to do is look up!

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