Monday, 29 March 2021

Felicity’s Prayer inspired by “ I am With You.”

We are delighted to share this wonderful prayer from a very dear friend of ours. May it bless you as it has blessed us.

Felicity’s daily prayer inspired by “I AM WITH YOU”, words from Jesus Christ as given to John Woolley.

I place You above everything else in my life 

I thrill at the thought of You

Praying is my highest activity

You are the most precious being in my life

I am grateful for the way You answer my prayers 

I am so blessed by the way You create miracles in me and others 

I worship You

In humility I bow down before your infinite wisdom, almighty power, endless love and merciful forgiveness.

I ask you for the gift of childlike faith, so that I am in awe of you

I expect full healing from you because you are almighty 

Whatever I have lost through illness, you are all I need to feel joyful, satisfied and calm

You are my greatest joy in life

Knowing that I have you with me outweighs everything else

I am utterly dependent on you for my healing and for my joy, not on my fluctuating moods or even on your revelations to me. As I rely on you, miracles are happening within me. 

I commit this day to following the way you have shown me. I trust that you will make clear to me what is your way in every detail of my day.

For more information on the I Am With You Foundation see:

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