Sunday, 31 January 2021

Praying together

 Praying together gives us strength in difficult days. It is that connection of light and oneness with each other and God that helps to lift our hearts to a higher place. 

Here we can place all those in need of special graces with the Father, the Son and the Spirit: the awesome Might Holy Trinity. Our hearts feel lighter for the energy of prayer is alive with the power of love and hope. For people we know who are struggling, ill or dying, we trust that they receive a blessing, touched by the prayer and the promise that God has given us, that He is with us. 

We pray using His Holy name, Jesus Christ, we invoke the Power of the Spirit, we ask for the Love of the Father to fill each persons need. We ask for miracles, remissions, healing, peace, whatever we discern is needed, trusting that our hearts will guide us faithfully to pray sincerely.

This is the blessing of faith, that however bleak our circumstances are, God can still touch us and save us. However alone we might feel and isolated we might be, there is the Presence of the Trinity, holding us in the Heart of Love, so we are never truly alone. This is how we can all be connected. This is how prayer unites us all in a bond of healing and trust in the goodness of God and each other. Amen

Friday, 15 January 2021

In difficult circumstances MAY YOU ENDURE


May you endure in the most difficult of circumstances

May He hold you and steady you on your path

May you find strength in the Lord.

May He always protect you and keep you safe.

May you trust in His guidance

May He lead you in love

May you always find comfort and unexpected kindness

May He bless you in unthought of ways.

May there be a change of heart and mind in all who persecute you.

May His Wisdom rule in their hearts.


Thursday, 14 January 2021

May the Lord give you solace


When you feel crushed and wounded by those who persecute you

May the Lord give you solace and strength.

When the way ahead is fraught with difficulty

May the Lord lead you safely on

When fear justifiably grips you

May you feel the love of the Lord sustaining you.

When pain is intolerable

May the Lord hold and comfort you.

When doubt overwhelms you

May new hope be born in you.


Sunday, 3 January 2021

A prayer for anyone with Covid 19

 Lord I ask You now

To heal,

I ask You to lay hands upon them

I ask You now to completely restore them

I ask You now to banish all that assails them

I ask You now to be with them as I pray

I ask You to restore them to full health.

I trust in the promises that You have made us.

I trust in the healing power of Your love.

I trust in You totally.

I ask You to absolutely heal, now.

I ask you to provide them with much needed strength.

I ask you to restore their breathing.

I place my trust in You.

Hold, now.

Heal, now.

Help them feel your loving touch, now.

Restore them absolutely, now,

By the power of the Holy Spirit.

With the love of the Father.

In the name of Jesus Christ.

I call upon the Trinity, now.

I ask in absolute faith that You hear me, now

And answer me totally.

May they be made well.


New peace prayer

  You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...