Saturday, 28 November 2020

Put out into the deep, dear friend


Put out into the Deep, dear friend

Put out into the deep dear friend.

Put out deep and trust in the Lord

Immerse yourself in His Spirit

For you will then travel a new path,

You will find a new way,

Abundant with Love

Guided by Truth

Inspired by His Wisdom,

For, He says,

My Way is always Light.

My way is always True.

My Way is always Love

And above all, My Way is filled with Mercy.

Therefore feel safe as you journey.

Be of good peace in your heart.

Trust in that which is yet to come.

Be filled with compassion for each other.

My Love knows no bounds.

Remember that I am always with you

And thus, you cannot fail to find me.

So put out into the depth of your own heart, dear friend

And Know that I am with you.


Friday, 27 November 2020

Have Confidence in the Lord


Have confidence in the Lord,

For He is very near.

Grace touches each day.

Grace touches each hour.

Grace touches each minute.

Grace touches each moment.

Turn towards love then

And receive all the comfort

The Lord brings to you.


Sunday, 22 November 2020

A Smile

A Smile

There is nothing so lovely as to see a happy smile, especially if that
smile is on a happy person and even more especially if that person
happens to be your own beloved husband.

Because every smile is

A smile touches your heart. A smile brightens the day. A smile is God’s
secret gift to the world, because when you see a smile, you feel joy
and that joy brings great freedom in that moment. Even if you feel a
little down ( or a lot), then a smile can touch your heart and the
world can seem suddenly brighter.
  There are so many different smiles; there is the smile that says I
love you, the smile that says I am shy, the smile that says ‘oh, you
have seen me!’ and there is the smile that comes from your boots right
up to your ears, the smile of a person who has achieved something big,
who has, through skill and determination, made something happen that
will make a difference in potentially thousands of people’s lives.
  The happiness that comes from genuinely reaching out to others, is
indescribable, for it is lifted by the Spirit into the Heart of Love
and blesses the whole world.
  It is a smile that greets me every day. This is the smile that says
everything is ok. This is the smile that won my heart.

Friday, 6 November 2020

Blessed Anniversary

 I am very proud to announce our Wedding Anniversary. Like every single day, it will probably be one of moments, in between the torment, agony, paralysis, hypersensitivity and pain.

One of the great teachings, world wide, in every culture, is the importance of descent, of going through suffering and being transformed and transfigured. Certainly for Linda that has been her path and mine too, to a lesser extent.
Unknown, isolated, for decades, yet brimming with light, insight, knowing, love, Linda has gained a level of spiritual awareness that only the broken can realise.
I am hugely blessed to be on this journey with her. But where does the time go? They pass far too quickly these precious, precious years.

New peace prayer

  You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...