Thursday, 11 June 2020

Walking on Holy Ground


‘To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground”; I have just read these completely unexpected words, right in the middle of an extraordinary mainstream management book.


Reading them just now, I thought, no wonder I have been so compelled to build Holy Way, alongside my other website, Stonebird, which is about caring for people diagnosed  with Severe/Very Severe ME.

For me, these words graphically illuminate that the Immanent and the Transcendent are intimately interlinked.

Surely the greatest service you can give someone, especially someone horrendously ill and profoundly disabled, is to care, really care. That, in our experience, means three things:

First it means your ability and willingness to listen with every part of you to the other person, mind, body, emotion, spirit.

Second it means to fully understand, as much as you are able to do, what the other person is telling you and what their needs are on the deepest possible levels.

Third it means your capacity to respond, to touch another’s soul, one human to another, with light, creativity, insight, joy, kindness, warmth and love.

On Stonebird we look at the practicalities of caring, listening, character building and advocacy.

On Holy Way, we look at what it means to bring life, to connect soul-to-soul, to walk a path of oneness, with each other and with all of creation, immersed in love.

Two very different websites, yet both so connected, so rooted in our long experience of suffering.

And all this walking on holy ground. 

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