Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Infinitely large

IT IS SO EASY to get distracted by worries, doubts and fears. To think about what might happen. To think about so many other moments than the one I am in.
   Fear then can be magnified. Loss then can also be magnified. Frustration and anger can rise and overwhelm and destroy any peace that might be possible.
   I can worry about my health deteriorating. I can worry about dying. I can worry about so many serious possibilities. The fact that there is no one out there to help us work out what to do when my symptoms get worse, who understands my illness. I can worry about the financial situation and how we will cope, next week, next month, next year.
Yet in worrying about all the vast number of things that could go wrong, I am moving away from the peace, from the truth and the hope that is present right now.
   God brings his truth, His light, His hope, His love, His tenderness, into my present moment and it is here that I must learn to dwell. I must banish all fear in Jesus’ name and choose not to dwell in anxiety.
   When I focus on fear I lose the goodness of the moment. When I focus on God and faith and trust, He brings hope and blessings, possibilities and peace and all fear vanishes.
   It is so important to dwell in the present moment and here find that it is an infinite moment of love, where joy is possible and love is all.
   I am lifted then into the ever – present wonder of the Heart of Love, the Holy  and find that this moment is not small and insignificant but vast and full of the awesome wonder of God.
   From here I can touch the whole world with love. I can pray for souls and be connected all around the world. I can know that heaven is real and we are all held and loved and all those who have died are still with us, through the love of God.
   My world becomes infinitely large and I am blessed with the joy of knowing that I am held in the everlasting love of God and all things are possible because of His love.


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