Monday, 2 March 2020

Reflecting through Lent: Come Holy Spirit, reside in me

Come Holy Spirit, 
Reside in me in Power and Tenderness

There is a juxtaposition between the power of the Holy Spirit and the tenderness with which the Holy Spirit touches our lives. Despite such awesome Power, the Spirit comes to our call and invitation only, not forcing us to participate more fully in the Will of God nor allow the Spirit of Love to reside in us, unless we so choose this.

 The Love of the Trinity, manifested in the Holy Spirit brings emboldenment and confidence to us and provides an active flow of Spiritual energy that we can ride or dance upon, carrying us to new depths of wisdom, new insights and understanding, bringing new gifts to explore and use in service to the Trinity. There is no force, no pressure, no expectation or demand that cannot be met, nor use of us against our own free will, for it is the power of love that lives in us both awesome and abundant, yet also gentle, tender, accepting, waiting patiently, tenderly, lovingly for our call.

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