Wednesday, 25 March 2020

On praying the Our Father

The Pope called for people to pray the Our Father today at midday. This is the most wonderful prayer of protection. Let us be confident as we pray in Faith that God hears and answers us, for this is the most intimate prayer we have of the Son to The Father.
A prayer that we and many people learn as children is the Our Father, though the depth of wisdom and understanding we now have, in relation to this prayer, were only received through great personal suffering and personal insight. We have only understood the beauty, the power and the protection of this prayer as adults, through revelation, praying it and entering deeply upon a path of suffering with trust and confidence in the truth of the Word of God and as such we want to more fully share this learning, for it is deep and rich and overarching in its breadth. We pray this prayer often when we pray to the Heart of Love. It is a prayer especially helpful for the beginning and ending of contemplation and before other specific prayers which lead to a deepening of prayer life. It enables
confidence in the protection of Our Lord. For the more deeply we pray, the more spiritual protection we require.
So as we come to pray this prayer, let us open our hearts to the love and the truth and the beauty therein. Let us not say these words in dullness, out of habit and routine. Let us enter fully with faith and more than this, with knowledge that these words truly will protect us and bring us safe passage, through any circumstance, for they are a promise of God with us and the life yet to come. Amen

Our Father
Who art in heaven
Hallow be thy name,
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth
As it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those
Who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.

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