Thursday, 7 March 2019

The Spiritual Journey

I have just completed a Counselling Certificate in Spiritual Care Course. 
Before I began the course I was feeling quite worn-out and drained, but now, coming to the end, I feel renewed, alive, on fire with music and creativity ! That is the power of Spiritual Care, which is not even necessarily about religion. 
This video sums up our own insights into living in the Heart of Love . First you cry out, you seek God, God always responds in some way, either directly or indirectly through others, bringing Love to touch you in some way, helping you to grow in your spiritual life. The Spirit comes.

We call this transfigurative moments that then require transformative action as you live your life in God. They take a life time to be lived!

I composed the music myself. It uplifted me into a cry and that cry became a beautiful l expression of praise.

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